Forum – psihologija v pravosodju in policiji

Na tem mestu lahko sporočite naslove in približno vsebino vaših predstavitev, s čimer bomo preprečili podvajanje vsebin. Na kratko torej opišite, katero temo želite predstaviti.

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44 thoughts on “Forum – psihologija v pravosodju in policiji

  1. Empatija do žrtve, samopodoba in psihopatija posiljevalcev (Victim empathy, social self-esteem and psychopathy in rapists)

  2. Spremembe v zaznani socialni podpori in simptomatologiji PTSD med vojaškim osebjem danske vojske. (Changes in perceived social support and PTSD symptomatology among Danish army military personnel)

  3. Zimbardov poskus Stanfordski zapor (The dirty work of the Stanford Prison Experiment,Evidence and stories about evidence:Stanford Prison Experiment under criticism)

  4. A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Serial Killers’ Lives: From Childhood Abuse to Methods of Murder

  5. A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Serial Killers’ Lives: From Childhood Abuse to Methods of Murder

  6. Klara in jacks, izbrani temi sta okej. Kristjan, v kolikor ste napisali tudi zgornji komentar pod imenom jacks, je tema okej, v nasprotnem pa prosim, da izberite drugo.

  7. Evidence of Psychological Manipulation in the Process of Violent Radicalization: An Investigation of the 17-A Cell

  8. Lara Maria, izbrana tema je v redu in jo lahko predstavite.

  9. Police Officers, Empathy Towards Victims – A Question of Innocence

  10. Fantje doživljajo depresijo drugače kot dekleta (Boys experience depression differently than girls).

  11. The influence of psychology in supernatural beliefs through enjoyment in watching horror movies

  12. Ali bi lahko zamenjal članek za tega: ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN
    PRISON PSYCHOLOGY. Zdi se mi mnogo bolj primeren.

  13. Cognitive Biases in Criminal Case Evaluation: A Review of the Research

  14. The Crime of Murder by a Child as the Perpetrator A Criminal Psychology Perspective

  15. How deep is the rift between conscious states in sleep and wakefulness? Spontaneous experience over the sleep–wake cycle

  16. Arsonists and Violent Offenders Compared: Two Peas in a Pod?

  17. Bi morda lahko zamenjala članek? In sicer za članek z naslovom Empathy and objectivity in the legal procedure: the case of Swedish prosecutors.

  18. Lara, seveda. Tudi novi članek je v redu za predstavitev.

  19. The ‘Worst of the Worst’: Detectives’ Beliefs about Dangerous Violent Offenders and How to Deal with Them

  20. Dimensions of Psychological Stress in Peacekeeping Operations

  21. Vloga psihologije pri preiskovanju zločinov in pri pospeševanju pravosodja (Role of Psychology in Crime Investigation and in Expediting Justice)

  22. Levels of Awareness of Selected College Students
    about the Signs, Risk Factors and Consequences of
    Teen Substance Abuse

  23. Tijana, izbrani članek je v redu. Pazite se samo, da ga povežete s temo psihologije.

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